Assumption Society Netcong

20220718 131548

Drafted March 5, 2014
Our Lady of the Assumption Society
Netcong, NJ 07857


This organization shall be known as Our Lady of the Assumption Society, Netcong, NJ.


Our Lady of the Assumption Society was founded by its original members who possessed a deep faith and devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Society is committed to spreading that devotion throughout the community through annual celebrations, works of stewardship and charity.

The Society honors its traditions and is dedicated to embracing and celebrating those traditions with past, present and future generations.


A. Our Lady of the Assumption Society is organized exclusively for religious and charitable purposes under Section 501(C)3 of the Internal Revenue Code and may not carry on activities not permitted to be carried on by an organization described in Section 501(C)3.
B. The Society is operated for the charitable purposes of honoring the Blessed Mother through celebration, as well as conducting ongoing works of charity and stewardship within the community.
C. To spread the Good News of Catholic ideals and principles, encouraged and injected into human affairs and
D. Pass down to all future generations, with the purpose of carrying on the celebrations and traditions, the values and devotions that are the building blocks of the Society


Section 1. Membership in the Society is open to all persons of the Christian faith, 18 years of age and older, who practice a deep devotion and belief in the Blessed Mother
Section 2. Annual dues set by the membership are due to the Treasurer by the first meeting of the calendar year. Dues not received by the second meeting of the calendar year may cause a member to become inactive and impact that member’s voting abilities (see voting Article V)
Section 3. Any person seeking membership in the Society must fill out an application, be sponsored by an existing member and submit an application fee of $100. Application fee and sponsorship is waived for immediate family members of current member.
Section 4. Voting rights at all meetings are extended to all active members in good standing. (see Voting Article V)
Section 5: A member is eligible to vote for Officers, Bylaw changes and all other issues presented to the membership by the President.


A. Voting rights will be extended to all members in good standing.
B. Good standing is defined by all dues paid in full, any other outstanding debts paid to the Society, and frequent attendance at all Society meetings, celebrations and functions.


A. Regular Meetings shall be held the first Wednesday, every other month beginning with the annual reorganizational meeting on the second Wednesday of January.
B. Regular Meeting months will be January, March, May, July, September and November
C. Regular Meetings will be held at 7:00pm in the Netcong Firehouse Co. #1 40 Maple Avenue in the Borough of Netcong, NJ unless otherwise specified in a public notification.
D. All meetings require a minimum of ten members to conduct official business which includes a minimum of 3 officers.
E. Minutes of all meetings will be recorded by the Secretary and distributed to the membership prior to the next membership meeting.
F. The President may call a special meeting at anytime, given sufficient prior notice to the membership of 48 hours.

  1. Call to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Opening Prayer
  4. Roll Call of Officers
  5. Review and Acceptance of minutes
  6. Treasurer’s Report
  7. Communication and Bills
  8. Committee Reports
  9. Old Business
  10. New Business
  11. Announcements for the good of the Society
  12. Closing Prayer
  13. Adjournment


A. The Officers shall serve without pay and consist of 4 members
B. The term of all officers shall be one (1) year
C. Nominations of new officers shall take place at the November meeting.
D. Nominations shall be closed at the adjournment of the November meeting
E. Any active member in good standing can nominate him/herself or any other active member in good standing by a single voice nomination.
F. Elections for new officers shall take place, by ballot vote, at the annual organizational meeting in January and officers shall take their seat immediately following the election.
G. New Officer will be determined by a majority of votes cast
H. No more than two (2) immediate family members may occupy officer positions during the same year.
I. Titles and duties of the Officers shall be:

  1. President – It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings, maintain order, call special meetings, and to appoint all committees. The President will oversee the Annual Procession and celebration on the Feast of The Assumption.
  2. Vice President – It shall be the duty of the Vice President to discharge the duties of the President in his absence.
  3. Secretary – It shall be the duty of the Secretary to record all proceedings of the Society and conduct all correspondence to the members. He/she will maintain a record of all minutes and correspondence and shall pass all records on to his/her successor.
  4. Treasurer – It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to collect all monies and deposit same in an approved bank account. The Treasurer shall pay all bills when due. He/she will keep a correct account of all receipts and expenditures in a book kept for that purpose and provide monthly financial statements to the membership. All checks require the signatures of two (2) officers

J. Removal From Office - Any officer may be removed from his position by an affirmative vote of two thirds (2/3) of the active members present at an official meeting, given a minimum of 16 active members are in attendance. Notice of the proposed removal will be given to members with the notice of the meeting. The officer involved will be given an opportunity to be present and to be heard at the meeting at which his or her removal is considered.
K. Any officer absent from 3 consecutive meetings without cause or 4 meetings in one year with cause shall be deemed to have resigned from office. The membership shall immediately seek to fill that position by nomination of a replacement and ballot vote at the next available meeting.


The Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of Our Lady of Assumption Society will act as the governing documents of the Society, All meetings will be conducted under Roberts Rules of Order unless otherwise noted in these bylaws.


The Bylaws of the Society may be amended by a vote of 2/3 of the members present, whereas, a minimum of 16 active members are in attendance and after the proposed bylaw amendment was made public, read and discussed at one (1) previous general membership meeting.

“The belief in the Assumption of Mary flows immediately from the belief in her Immaculate Conception. The belief that Mary was preserved from sin by the free gift of God, she would not be bound to experience the consequences of sin--death--in the same way we do”